It’s that time of the year when all of us begin crawling around the attics and basements of our homes, clearing out all the storage junk that we thought we’d keep forever.

As we go about spring cleaning, one question is always predominantly fixed in our mind – what do we keep, and what do we throw away? The decisions start off easy, then we come across something that leaves us torn. Do we continue to hoard this item, or toss it away and never see it again? 

Thankfully, here at Safeguard Storage we’ve heard all the spring cleaning horror stories. We empathise with your impossible choices, and we’re here to provide some storage solutions. Our range of bespoke storage units can be the perfect answer to your spring cleaning woes, all it takes is a little organising on your part. 

Here’s how you can take advantage of a storage unit and maximise progress during this year’s spring cleaning mission. 


Decide which items definitely won’t be suitable for storage

Mouldy shoes, broken tennis racket, set of DVDs on the life stages of an anteater – those can all go in the trash. You’re not going to miss them. This is the first and easiest stage of the cleaning process, working out which of your cluttered belongings have become garbage and need to be thrown away. 

One of the most satisfying ways to increase the storage capacity of your home is simply throwing away the rubbish that’s been building up in cupboards, bedrooms, sock drawers and the garage. It requires a bit of focus and commitment, but you’ll find a lot of the clutter that’s taking up valuable space just needs to go straight into the bin.


Send To Storage: Seasonal Belongings

Spring cleaning isn’t just about clearing out junk, it’s about making your home more efficient. There might be some things that get used every year but just take up so much unnecessary storage. 

Things like the Christmas tree and decorations, snow jackets, skis and surfboards are all seasonal items that only get brought out during specific times of the year. The remaining ten months, they just sit around and clutter the home. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you’ll find that the storage these items are taking up could be better used. 

Our storage units are perfect for storing these particular belongings away. With Safeguard’s range of storage options, you can access your personal items anytime you so choose. This means when Christmas comes around, or the ski trip gets booked for next Saturday, you’ll just need to drive over to your storage unit and collect the relevant belongings. 

Your storage unit will be super convenient to access, plus no more puffer jackets clogging up the wardrobe!


Send To Storage: Donated or Sold Items

Spring cleaning might uncover some items that, while you definitely won’t need them anymore, others might benefit from having them. Maybe you could donate them, or make a quick buck on TradeMe or Facebook Marketplace.

While these belongings no longer have a future in your home, they still need somewhere to be before they’re traded along. While you could just keep them sitting in a pile somewhere as you wait for buyers to get back to you, we’ve got a better solution. 

Our storage units are the perfect temporary home for these items as they transition from your home to their next owner. Unless you’re trying to pass on something that falls within our prohibited items (see the bottom of this article), your personal storage unit is the perfect place to keep the item safe, but out of the way. 


Send To Storage: Unnecessary Clutter

Spring cleaning is all about minimisation – cutting down on the amount of belongings that clutter up the home and take up free space.

Whilst clearing out all of the garbage, seasonal items and donatable or sellable goods, you’ll likely come across some items that you no longer need but still want to keep for sentimental reasons. It could be great grandma’s china cabinet, or those rocks from Italy you brought back home. 

Don’t worry, these don’t need to leave your possession. But they might be taking up a lot of space in the home. So store them away in our completely safe and secure storage units, which are guarded in an alarmed and gated facility with 24/7 HD CCTV cameras. You can rest easy, knowing we’re keeping a watchful eye on your valuable belongings. 


Round Up The “Undecideds” for Storage

Once you’ve finished putting away the remaining items that have found a home elsewhere in the house, you’ll be left with a few belongings that still leave you scratching your head. 

Do you sell them, donate them, throw them or store them?

Rather than leaving these “undecideds” cluttered in a hallway pile, our suggestion is to take them with you and store them along with your other belongings in one of our high quality storage units. 

We’ve got a range of units that vary in size, so no need to worry about running out of space when you’re choosing what stays and what goes. As the weeks pass on, you’ll have time to think over their fate and decide on the outcome. Don’t worry, our storage units aren’t going anywhere!


You Clear It, We Store It

Because our storage units come in various sizes, meaning we can handle any size or volume or belongings that need removing from the home. We’ve got spacious storage options for bedroom belongings, personal documents or even a vehicle collection. 

If your belongings aren’t hazardous (like materials and explosives), perishable items that can decompose, living items (like animals and plants), stolen or illegal – we can provide a storage option for you. Depending on the size you’re after, you could move your belongings in from today!

Spring cleaning just became a whole lot easier.